Bring your newsletter in front of a wider audience

List your newsletter and lookup for related newsletters that share the same niche. Cross-promote them to get more subscribers and share fresh content to your audience. Everybody wins.

Share your newsletter

Ready to bring your newsletter in front of a wider audience?

  • Share your newsletter.
  • Look up related newsletters which you share common audience with.
  • Contact them to cross promote eachother's newsletters.
  • If they agree, you can share their newsletter with your audience.
  • Great! Now that your newsletter is shared with a new audience, you earn new subscribers.
  • You win, they win.

Show your audience the newsletters you like

  • Showcase your newsletter.
  • Get notified when somebody is interesed to cross-promote your newsletter.
  • After a quick check up, you can share their newsletter to your audience.
  • Great! Now that your newsletter is shared with a new audience, you earn new subscribers.
  • Your audience discovers new resources that they are interested in.
  • You win, they win.